This Sunday is the feast day of my patron saint, Francis de Sales (1567-1622). As he is the patron saint of writers, his picture shows up on quite a few blogs, but I also chose him to be my patron saint at Confirmation last year. So instead of writing a biography the way I usually do, I'm going to start by giving a few answers to the question: Why St. Francis de Sales?
He was known for making Catholics out of Protestants. I find it amusing that he helped bring another Protestant into the Catholic Church 400 years later.
I used to live in his diocese. He grew up in the Savoy region of eastern France. He became bishop of Geneva, but because Catholicism was illegal in Calvinist Geneva, he lived in Annecy. I spent 2 years living perhaps 10 miles from his house when I was a child.
He got a first-rate education in the humanities, studied at the College de Clermont in Paris, got his graduate degree in Italy, and was supposed to embark on a career in diplomacy, but decided instead to become a priest. Clearly, we have nothing in common. I got married and had kids instead.
He wrote the first and best manual on holiness for busy moms. His most famous work, “Introduction to the Devout Life,” is taken from letters he wrote giving spiritual advice to his cousin, Marie de Charmoisy.
He makes holiness sound attractive and attainable. Let’s face it, some of the saints are less imitable than others. Who wants to go live in the desert, wear a hairshirt and eat nothing but the Eucharist while attempting to pray around the clock? Any takers? Didn’t think so. Now, who wants to experience the love of God and become a more loving, gentle and altogether happy person right in the comfort of your own home? Doesn’t that sound like a great idea?
I’ll try to write a couple more posts on his life and writings this weekend!
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